Lange Zeit habe ich darüber nachgedacht, was ich in meiner Bewertung schreiben soll. Ich sage es so… WOW! Ich bin schockiert, wie viele Dokumente bei den genealogischen Nachforschungen gefunden wurden. Am Anfang kannte ich nur den Namen meiner Großmutter und den ungefähren Geburtsort in Schlesien. Nach etwa 2 Monaten genealogischer Nachforschungen erhielt ich einen Bericht als PDF-Datei zum Herunterladen – fast 60 Seiten voller Informationen, Dokumente und Fotos über meine Vorfahren von der Seite meiner Großmutter. Nochmals WOW! Vielen Dank für eure Arbeit!

Marieke König
Bayern, Deutschland
Viele Jahre lang habe ich mich mit meiner Familiengenealogie beschäftigt. Leider konnte ich aufgrund von Sprachbarrieren keine Informationen über meine Vorfahren aus dem ehemaligen Pommern finden, das heute auf dem Gebiet Polens liegt. Mein Ziel war es, einen Stammbaum von der Seite meines Vaters zu erstellen. Alles ist gelungen, und jetzt habe ich Details über meine Vorfahren bis ins Jahr 1794. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Arbeit des Genealogen – Herrn Polak. Sehr empfehlenswert!

Jürgen Schult
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
Ich benötigte Dokumente für ein Nachlassverfahren. Ich habe die Suche nach Dokumenten über die Geschwister meiner Großmutter sowie die Bestellung ihrer Geburtsurkunden in Auftrag gegeben. Herr Marcin hat mir erklärt, in welchen Fällen er internationale Geburtsurkunden bestellen kann, und wo dies nicht möglich war, habe ich beglaubigte Kopien der Dokumente aus Archiven in Polen erhalten. Die Suche dauerte recht lange, nämlich 3 Monate, aber alle paar Wochen erhielt ich ein Update über den Stand der Recherchen. Insgesamt bin ich mit den Dienstleistungen zufrieden und kann sie definitiv weiterempfehlen. Die Preise sind ebenfalls angemessen.

Michael Müller
Brandenburg, Deutschland
Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei dem Genealogen Marcin bedanken. Vor zwei Monaten habe ich die Suche nach Dokumenten über meine Großmutter aus der Umgebung von Breslau in Auftrag gegeben. Meine gesamte Familie stammte aus Schlesien, doch leider mussten sie während des Krieges ihr Zuhause verlassen und konnten keine Dokumente mitnehmen. Herr Marcin und sein Team haben in wenigen Wochen dutzende Dokumente gefunden, darunter auch das wertvollste – einen Antrag auf Ausstellung eines Passes mit einem Foto meines Großvaters. Es war das erste Mal, dass ich sein Bild gesehen habe. Ich bin unglaublich dankbar und kann die genealogischen Dienstleistungen von Nasi Przodkowie von ganzem Herzen jedem empfehlen.

Theresa Schuller
Hessen, Deutschland
I would like to say a big thank you to the team of Nasi Przodkowie and especially to Marcin. I wanted to know the story of my grandfather, who went missing after World War 2. I decided to hire a genealogist. After two months I received a report with my grandfather’s full story, information from his time as a prisoner in KL Auschwitz and a photo of his grave from 1969. We are grateful for all the help in the search. I would recommend Nasi Przodkowie to anyone who wants to learn about their family history from Poland. Now we are waiting to find living relatives. Great job! Greetings from the entire Kaminski and Weaver family!

Nancy Kaminski – McCann
CA, Vereinigte Staaten
My grandparents never talked much about their history in Poland. I had little information, only the death certificates of my grandfather and grandmother. I didn’t expect much. It turned out that these documents were enough to start the search. And the results? Wow! I waited about a month. I got a family tree for 30 people – up to 1797! Detailed maps, photos of the places where they live. Marcin managed to find a map with the division of houses in the village, as well as directories of owners. After some time it was possible to determine the exact place of birth of my ancestors. I plan to visit Poland next year, I will definitely use the services of Nasi Przodkowie again. Thank you and very recommended!

Jackie Ogrodowicz
ON, Kanada
I have been working with Nasi Przodkowie for about 8 months. We run a local association dedicated to Polish history. The reports are really interesting and quite extensive. The information is specific and helpful when it comes to knowing your roots. It seems to me that the most difficult thing was to find Agnes‘ living relatives. In the first search, Marcin managed to find documents about her grandfather Felix. It turned out that the whole family came from one village near Poznań. After a month of Marcin’s work, he managed to find a living cousin of Felix and made contact with the entire family. I strongly recommend Marcin and the entire Nasi Przodkowie team!

Richard Passick
BC, Kanada
I want to recommend and thank you for your help. Marcin from Nasi Przodkowie is very knowledgeable about genealogy in Poland (especially Galicia where my grandparents came from). He was able to find the exact place where my grandparents and great-grandparents lived. It turned out that the house still exists. I received birth and marriage certificates translated from Latin to English with the names of the parents of further generations and occupations. The report also included historical descriptions of the most important places in my family’s history with photos. Once again, I highly recommend this genealogist!

Tom Gladys
Leeds, Vereinigtes Königreich
My grandmother left poland with my great-grandmother when she was still young. All the family history stayed in Poland. After a few weeks I received all the documents and translations. I finally found out where my family came from, and now I know where my talent for playing the piano came from – my great-grandfather was the organist in the church! I even got photos of the church, including old postcards showing the pipe organ my ancestors might have played. Very many interesting facts. I recommend the genealogists from Nasi Przodkowie.

Nancy Boyd née Banasik
Adelaide, Australien
The search lasted 3 weeks. I was interested in finding family birth certificates and marriage certificates. Everything was found successfully. In addition to the documents, we also got translations from German and Latin into English. I can in good conscience recommend Nasi Przodkowie and the genealogist Marcin. Now it’s time to start applying for Polish citizenship!

Agnes Jazinski
Belém, Pará, Brasilien
My mother and I decided to use the services of a genealogist, we ended up with Marcin from Nasi Przodkowie. My great-grandparents came from Gdansk. Unfortunately, the house they lived in no longer exists, but… We received photos from the early 1900s, plans and maps. We also received birth certificates with information on extended family and marriage certificates. The cooperation went smoothly, every question we had was answered right away. If you are looking for an experienced genealogist in Poland, I recommend Marcin, Thank you!

Anna Tarasiewicz
Coventry, Vereinigtes Königreich
Thank you for finding the birth records of my great-grandparents. I have been trying to find family documents for over a year, unfortunately without success. Marcin, with only a few immigration documents, determined the exact place of birth of my great-grandparents and the church in which the documents were. And all this was accomplished in less than a month. Now my family genealogy book is complete. Good prices, great contact! Thanks!

Hannah Zaborski
MA, Vereinigte Staaten
We searched for heirs in Poland. About 2 months of searching and Mr. Polak managed to find living relatives in Katowice and establish contact with them. In addition, we searched for mortgage books and an estate plan – this was also found very quickly. Professional cooperation and competitive prices.

Anthony Smith
IL, Vereinigte Staaten
I recommend working with Nasi Przodkowie. They found information about my grandparents and great-grandparents. They determined where exactly they came from and found many interesting documents. We are very satisfied with the results.

Caroline Josephine Mandel
Buenos Aires, Argentinien
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I always knew I had Polish roots. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to start my search and where to find the information. I used the services of Nasi Przodkowie. I got a report (I can call it a genealogy book about my family, more than 60 pages), photos, some maps from 1850 with censuses, and other documents. I really recommend searching with Marcin from Nasi Przodkowie.

Mary Adamczyk
NC, Vereinigte Staaten
Great work. A huge thank you to Nasi Przodkowie. They were able to accurately determine the fate of my family up to the early 19th century. The prices compared to the quality are really very reasonable. We set a budget of £750 per month. We received by courier a finished genealogy book of our family of more than 100 pages and a full family tree of 6 generations. The whole project took about 4 months.

Theresa Baginsky
Glasgow, Vereinigtes Königreich
I was looking for information about my grandparents who did not manage to get to Israel – they died in Poland at the end of WW2. The only thing I had was my mother’s birth certificate. It turned out that this one document was enough to learn the entire history of my family. I received a stack of documents. Official records about my grandfather, information from the time of the ghetto in Lodz. Something amazing. I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Deborah Goldberg
Tel Aviv, Israel